Partners from Niger and Chad Trained on Seed Production at ICRISAT Niger
Skills Transfer

The ICRISAT Niamey Regional genebank recently hosted two workshop training sessions from April 26th to May 06th, 2023. The sessions were specifically organized for the National Agricultural and Research Services of Niger and Chad, with a focus on various aspects of seed production.
The primary objective of the training was to strengthen the seed delivery systems in both Niger and Chad, from research to the diffusion and utilization of improved varieties.
The training brought together five research technicians from the "Institut Tchadien de Recherche Agricole pour le Développement" (ITRAD), ten seed inspectors from the "Direction des Semences et Plants" (DSP), and ten seed technicians from four agricultural extension districts of the Ministry of Agriculture of Niger.
During the training program, participants covered a wide range of topics designed to enhance their seed production skills. These included seed systems and the roles of different stakeholders, best practices for seed production, harvest and post-harvest activities, varietal selection and maintenance, field experimentation, integrated pest management, as well as extension activities and communication. The training sessions incorporated both theoretical instruction and practical hands-on exercises, tailored to meet the demands and needs of the participants.
The training workshop was made possible through the support of the GIZ Bonn-funded seeds kits project under the "Ukraine funds." At the conclusion of the sessions, participants expressed their satisfaction and affirmed their commitment to applying the knowledge gained in their respective areas of work.
By equipping professionals with valuable skills and expertise, ICRISAT continues to play a crucial role in promoting sustainable agricultural practices and improving seed production systems in the region.
Banner image: Hands-on training in pearl millet regeneration. (Above) Snapshots from the training program.