ICRISAT-Ethiopia Strengthens Fertilizer Advisory Strategy to Boost Agricultural Productivity
Collaborative workshop lays groundwork for scaling fertilizer efficiency solutions in Central and Southern Ethiopia

ICRISAT-Ethiopia, in partnership with the CGIAR Excellence in Agronomy (EiA) initiative, convened a two-day workshop in Durame, Kembata Zone, Central Ethiopia, to advance the scaling of fertilizer advisory services.
Held on 23-24 September 2024, the "Scaling Partners’ Network Workshop on Fertilizer Advisory" aimed to enhance collaboration among partners and develop action plans to optimize fertilizer use efficiency in Ethiopia’s diverse agricultural landscapes. This effort is part of the broader Fertilizer Ethiopia Use Case initiative, which seeks to improve smallholder farmers' access to effective, landscape-based fertilizer recommendations.

The event brought together 32 participants, including representatives from zonal and district agriculture offices, universities, and NGOs. Participants worked together to assess the progress of current scaling efforts, develop strategies to address bottlenecks, and strengthen the network of partners working to provide tailored fertilizer and lime recommendations across three key zones: Hadiya, Kembata, and Welaita.
Dr Gizaw Desta, ICRISAT’s project lead for the Fertilizer Use Case, highlighted the importance of a collaborative approach, stating, “To achieve widespread adoption of fertilizer innovations, we must address local challenges and strengthen partnerships at every level. This workshop has laid a solid foundation for joint action.”
Central to the discussions was the development of action plans targeting the scaling network across the three zones aiming to tackle barriers such as inadequate infrastructure and limited capacity.
"Soil health is a top priority worldwide, and enhancing it requires the use of digital tools for precise fertilizer advice and knowledge delivery tailored to local contexts. The decision-making tools developed for Ethiopia have the potential to make a significant impact across the African continent and can support the Africa Soil Initiative program," emphasized Dr Mangi Lal Jat, Global Research Program Director for Resilient Farm and Food Systems at ICRISAT.
By leveraging localized knowledge and enablers like digital tools and existing policies, partners are working to ensure that smallholder farmers benefit from accurate, timely fertilizer recommendations that can improve soil health and boost crop yields.

A SWOT analysis conducted during the workshop further refined strategies, identifying opportunities such as technological advancements and supportive policies, while addressing challenges like market fluctuations and unpredictable weather conditions.
Following the workshop, the focus now shifts to implementing the recommendations, with an emphasis on strengthening operational capacities and expanding access to landscape-based advisory services.
Through these collaborative efforts, and with action plans in place, ICRISAT-Ethiopia and its partners are set to advance Ethiopia's fertilizer advisory services, contributing to the broader goals of the EiA initiative and improving agricultural productivity in the country's mixed highland regions.

For media inquiries, please contact:
Martin Muluka