Consul General of France in India visits ICRISAT headquarters

Mr Thierry Berthelot, Consul General of France in Bangalore, India, visited ICRISAT headquarters on 12 January 2023. The delegation comprised of Ms Monique Tran, Counsellor for Agricultural Affairs, Embassy of France; Ms Moulshree Dagar, Attaché – Agriculture, Food Processing and Health; and Dr Edmond Rock, Research Director, French National Institute for Agriculture, Food and Environment, Paris.
The French delegation was given an overview of ICRISAT's global research programs and a tour of various research facilities including the Genebank and Centre of Excellence in Genomics and Systems Biology (CEGSB).
They met Dr Arvind Kumar, Deputy Director General - Research, ICRISAT, Stefan De Greling, Director, Business Development, ICRISAT, and other members of the senior management and research leadership team to get an understanding of ICRISAT's collaboration with France and the European Union over the years and identify potential areas of partnerships.
Discussions were held on potential collaboration between INRAE and ICRISAT in research and opportunities for French agribusiness companies to co-design collaborative undertakings with Indian agribusiness companies handheld by ICRISAT’s Agribusiness and Innovation Platform (AIP).
